cheap DIY decor

We were named a local expert on ApartmentGuide! Read the full article here: Budget DIY Décor Ideas. (ApartmentGuide is a subsidiary of

When we got the invitation to contribute to ApartmentGuide, I didn’t even have to think about what to suggest: blocks of color painted onto cardboard.

Here’s why I love cardboard as a base for art projects:

  • It’s inexpensive and easy to find, so I can paint at almost any time.
  • It’s light, which means it’s easy to hang.
  • Because it’s physically light and light on the wallet, I have an easier time just going for it and painting.
  • And because of all that, I can really play with it, when I’m painting the cardboard and when I’m putting it up on a wall.

AND you can cut it into the right size or fun shapes!

Here’s why I love color blocks:

  • They really really really don’t need to be perfect. When I say blocks, I actually mean blobs. Color blobs. Maybe I should even call them messes.
  • Anyone can do color messes, even me!
  • Anyone can do color messes, even you!
  • A big block/blob/chunk/mess of color can add a lot to a space. Try a series of a few colors! Try super pale colors on darker walls.  a bed in front of an empty wall

The above is the work of about one hour. In this case, I used a canvas rather than cardboard, because that’s what I had within reach. It started black, and since I wanted bright colors, I painted white first, which added a bit of time. I wasn’t sure what I really wanted though, besides bright, so I just started by scribbling — or the paint equivalent of scribbling, is there a word for that? — with the pink. And then I thought, “huh? This could look okay,” so I tried it on the wall! I don’t mind it. But I was just experimenting to send to ApartmentGuide so I kept painting the same canvas, more pink and added blue, and then it looked kind of like viewing a sunset horizon over an ocean. So it’s still on the wall. I do think the wall needs more, but it’s a good start that took just about an hour, and since I was using supplies I had, cost no extra dollars.





gift wrapping services!

we’re hiring!

We’re hiring for two positions:

CRAFT hosts

hours: 7 to 16 hours per week on Friday 2pm – 9pm and/or Saturday noon – 9pm, with additional hours week by week if desired

responsibilities: welcoming and supporting guests, crafting table + general studio cleanup

This is a customer service position! Ideal candidates are positive, resourceful, crafty, patient, outgoing when you want to be, and flexible. Working with guests in the studio can be fast paced.


organizer of chaos

hours: 2 to 5 hours per week according to your own schedule, outside of regular studio hours

We do a lot of cleaning at the studio, and it’s often hard for us to keep up. The person who takes on this gig will have access to the studio to come and go when you please, to do the day-to-day cleanup that we can get so behind on when we’re helping guests. This is more sorting stamps, refilling glues, and organizing the junkyard, with a little bit of traditional cleaning like sweeping. Just go in whenever you want before we open / after we’re closed and help us get ready for the days ahead. This is a great position for a night owl or morning lark who maybe doesn’t like to people all that much and would relish a few hours alone just organizing the studio.


to apply

Use the form here and send us a text (5129009957) or message on social media to tell us to look out for your submission (@madeatcraft on FB and insta)!